a Friday question

09/29/2023 2 By BuddyCushman

Please raise your hand if you have ever gone on vacation and fallen in love with the place in which you were vacationing, and decided to move there.

And what stops you beyond the inertia of, “No, I belong here,” that place from which you departed for the vacation which – Bang!! – might be life-changing. The departing and arriving thing.

I write this from a perpsective of a gypsy/bedouin/wanderer life, colored with childishness and a whopping lack of internal responsibility. One of the Lost Boys. Why I have very little stuff and barely any money and have never owned a home, or been taken for a normal guy.

I don’t think the opening paragraph is a question of practical or romantic. It’s just a question – Have you ever gone on vacation and fallen in love with the place in which you were vacationing, and decided to move there?