all over the place
Who’d ever have thought I’d be jumping in the old Pacific Ocean the middle of November, which is what I did three hours back, having dropped Chris at Terminal Two so as to fly for his mom’s birthday up in San Jose, me on to Ocean Beach and – first – I waltzed through a couple of used furniture stores, and nearly out of the last a gold floor lamp called my name and I fell in love and got 10 bucks off and bought it, the sales dude put a red “Sold” tag on and I was off for further Friday adventure, into CVS to re-supply, into the Pacific with my boogie board.
Today has felt good, yesterday felt off, though it ended right with a long video call with my son Spenser, Down Syndrome Idaho hero becoming 29, means there he was off and running straight into his third decade, and I could cry right through a fountain of gratitude for any of the stuff I ever did right as ‘Dad’. And joy carried into today and a stream of sniffles and meditation coughings just slunk off, dawn patrol, and it was the airport and OB and me with a way to actually read in a comfy chair tonight, which you may say what’s the big deal and I’ll say try without it nearly seven months.
And I get to walk Chris’s dog four times ’til Sunday and I hope I’m a decent dog-walker and hopefully better at it than a wave-riding kid today, though, there’s love all over the place.
Those little things to me have meant the most to me in the last ten years. I’m honored to know you Buddy. And I pray for you and your family. Your example touches me. And I wish you peace as this day once again begins. Your voice is being listened to. Be well my brother