all over the place

11/12/2021 1 By BuddyCushman

Who’d ever have thought I’d be jumping in the old Pacific Ocean the middle of November, which is what I did three hours back, having dropped Chris at Terminal Two so as to fly for his mom’s birthday up in San Jose, me on to Ocean Beach and – first – I waltzed through a couple of used furniture stores, and nearly out of the last a gold floor lamp called my name and I fell in love and got 10 bucks off and bought it, the sales dude put a red “Sold” tag on and I was off for further Friday adventure, into CVS to re-supply, into the Pacific with my boogie board.

Today has felt good, yesterday felt off, though it ended right with a long video call with my son Spenser, Down Syndrome Idaho hero becoming 29, means there he was off and running straight into his third decade, and I could cry right through a fountain of gratitude for any of the stuff I ever did right as ‘Dad’. And joy carried into today and a stream of sniffles and meditation coughings just slunk off, dawn patrol, and it was the airport and OB and me with a way to actually read in a comfy chair tonight, which you may say what’s the big deal and I’ll say try without it nearly seven months.

And I get to walk Chris’s dog four times ’til Sunday and I hope I’m a decent dog-walker and hopefully better at it than a wave-riding kid today, though, there’s love all over the place.