cool failing
“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better. ” — Samuel Beckett
“You won’t believe what you can accomplish by attempting the impossible with the courage to repeatedly fail better.” — Ryan Marrinan
A couple of quotes which strolled into reading time Wednesday. The idea of “failing better” is kind of cool. With some of my ’60’s ‘Keep on keepin’ on’, and my ’80’s ‘Suit up, show up.’ Making the consistent effort to make something happen, something worthy and of value, within the midst of missing it, again and again. Like striking out with a bit more grace and dignity.
There are many areas in my life right now in which all of this is directly of the moment. It’s like this. And on a morning in which I’m so tired, not a lot of sleep this last week, “failing better” and “attempting the impossible” feel like sign posts along the highway – ‘Nearly there.’
As Cervantes said – “The road is better than the inn.”