different quiets

02/18/2022 0 By BuddyCushman

if I lived alone I’d be reading all the time. And drinking coffee. All the time. But I don’t and I cannot read with noise, pretty much any noise at all, which is one of the reasons I started getting up every single day at 4:35 a few years back, in Portland with a wife and two kids, me saying “Hey” to the light of dawn every day, reading and reading, almost like some brand of magic flying through books weekly – one or two books weekly. Which was then and here in San Diego I don’t live alone and continue to get up at 4:35 every single day and first there’s a funky little praying thing and then my version of meditation, which if you’re interested, I’ve been sitting coming up on 14 years every single morning now, and then coffee springs to life and I sort of spring to life and that special quiet of the new day whispers pick up a book and read it. And I do.

I was going to write “Friday afternoon coming down” and that was going to be this Friday’s Blog post, then I came home from Ocean Beach and a glittery walk and gassing the car and a favorite drive along the harbor and through downtown San Diego, and it was just the dog and me and a rush in and out of Starbuck’s, like 2:45 and a coffee and reading in a different car-passing but no humans here quiet, and in fact it is Friday afternoon coming down. But mostly, I just love reading.