friday’s business
I was actually stunned to find myself still here when I woke and got up at three this morning.
Right away wondering what my business with this day would look like. ‘Business’ the right word, not ‘duty’ or ‘obligation,’ no, my business with the day. The way Jacob Marley realized it, sadly, much too long after the fact: “My business was mankind.”
Here’s the Zen Roshi Susan Murphy from her book, “A Fire Runs Through All Things” — “In wonderful celebrations of serious lunacy he made his unorthodox nature clear to anyone who cared to look.” That’s the way I experience posting here.
And the ‘here’ in which I post these sometimes unorthodox thoughts is about to experience a grand change. As I do, as I am, as I’m gonna, in the coming week.
Monday’s post will explain a bunch of that.
A sweet weekend to you.