Good Timing

03/11/2021 0 By BuddyCushman

I feel I have been trending in the right direction for some time now, on a psychic cellular level, good orderly direction, intertwined among body, soul, and the individual me of me. Something like a to thine own self be true. And digging it.

Body, 72-plus years on the odometer, and mind (all those minutes of living this life), interwoven inseparably. Alchemy. I get that now, a Buddhist sitting on a cornflake thing. Keep it in the day, Brah. Be here now, Bro.

Surely my wife Susan has imagined – and thus created – a space in which I could and have been able to bloom. My unique second-hand rose me. At least so far, up until 6:30 this Thursday morning, 2021.

Gee, I sure hope I serve as a lamp unto the world today. Keenly aware of ‘Just this.’


Baby, I’m a rich man.