hey, slower me
It’s very interesting how I am slowed down so far this morning. Like, if my job was one which no human is affected by not showing up I’d for sure call in sick, and after a brisk if possibly slower moving morning walk during which time the roomie left for work, I’d call in sick (well) and brew another pot of Oregon coffee and sit in the blue not-quite-regular-size recliner and read Maxine Hong Kingston and various articles in The Surfer’s Journal – my new favorite magazine – and occasionally glance up and out through the blind’s slats at the day passing by, which, how I am right now, reminds me, it brings to mind, The Eagles song “Peaceful Easy Feeling”, with the sweet, visual line, “And I’d like to sleep with you in the desert tonight, with a million stars all around.”
Like when I saw Orion’s Belt in the back lot last night, safe passage from the kid’s, grateful heart bursting out all over.
This is slower me so far Tuesday.