Joe Friday

09/10/2021 0 By BuddyCushman

Another Friday, me lucky enough to still be here – above ground, on the planet – and I’m back at Moonlight Beach with my boogie board. Set my towel down pretty much in the same place I did last Friday, where you may remember I came upon a young couple running their fingers through the fine Moonlight sand, in search of the lost wedding ring. The story goes I joined in the search, having lost my marriage and feeling some immediate sorrowful connection, and all our sandy search failing to find Alex’s ring, I had the feeling he was supposed to have mine, still there on my wedding finger. I offered and he said yes. And later a metal detector dude came along after the fact and found it and turned it in and Alex got his ring back – thank you to the Gods who oversee our sea sides – and we connected by text Sunday and Abby said they’d put mine in the mail back in Arizona, and I looked in the Friday mailbox today and it still has not arrived. And I guess it will arrive or it won’t. And my lonely finger and the thumb that plays with its empty space will accommodate to this be-here-now dance of life.

Last Friday was cloudy and a bit chilly. Today is gloriously sunny and warm, and I was out there having a pretty good time and trying to employ some turning and stopping lessons I’ve watched on YouTube the last few days. And I ran into the same Brad character I did twice last Friday. There was more kind and caring talk. Without any tears from me.

That’s about it. Joe Friday popped into my mind while in search of a title, and though there’s no connection to the above report I can see, I went with it. That choice made me think of the song “Killer Joe”, which I just played on You Tube, and it turns out that song was recorded by a group named “The Rocky Fellers.” Who knew.

Stay safe out there.