meeting makers make it
I’ve been having some meetings lately. There’s been three of us – Me, Myself, and I.
Preparation for these meetings, and their desired positive outcomes, has included gathering a college-ruled two-dollar notebook, a blue medium-point pen and a blue medium-point gel pen, a yellow highlighter for marking occasional unusual ideas, my smart phone with its timer function, and any number of inspirational books scattered across the floor. Also an ancient oil-paint easel which I flip over and use to rest the notebook on my knee when I write sitting in the non-reclined recliner.
I’m really good gathering all those support materials for the meetings. I did that very thing in a senior- year college social welfare community placement – an insanely boring placement by the way, proving you never know where you’ll pick up truly cogent life skills.
The meetings. For the most part they’ve focused on this one question – How do I become more interesting? Especially as my near-retirement approaches, and there’s lots more time in which to be, or not be, more interesting.
This Blog has just become a donation-supported space of daily writing. I’d love to become more interesting, and write about that in elevated engaging prose, as one way of saying thanks.