musical chairs

12/15/2022 0 By BuddyCushman

I don’t know how many times I’ll have to – I’ll get to – wake up all over again. When I was a kid it was straight forward. Take the Everly Brothers – “Wake up, little Susie.” The ‘busted’ jolt of, “Wake up, you’ll be late for school.” Farther along the path came Harold Melvin and The Bluenotes – “Wake up, everybody.” No longer just Susie and me making out in the movies. More like a reminder, like Harry Bosch’s code in the Michael Connelly books – “Either everybody counts or nobody counts.” Mother Theresa territory.

And here I am this morning, in the meditation chair, in the coffee’d recliner, nudged to wake up again. One pill makes us larger, and one pill makes us small. In San Diego, waking up to the understanding those aren’t two different things.