Nutty Buddy
“The monkey may be off my back, but the circus is still in town.”
I like that saying/description/self-evaluation and most days it fits just right in here. You know…… here.
I woke this morning feeling as if aliens had transported into the bedroom the middle of last night and sucked the brains from my head. Requiring technology only as advanced as sputnik-era science, circa 1957. The lights may be on, comrade, but no one’s home.
Ping ponging off this mindlessness, for late breakfast I had, beyond piles of green beans and red peppers, much of a bag of Trader Joe’s Raw California Walnut Halves & Pieces, from which I nibbled while reading baseball stories covering the Twins, Reds, and Padres, a rather large dent.
So this is accurate. My personal weather for this Wednesday – Nutty Buddy.