still here, I am

08/19/2024 0 By BuddyCushman

There’s a Yoda-like quality to the title of this post, a hopefully explicit statement of wild gratitude for waking up again. Getting up again. Showing up again.

But before moving ahead into this new week, let me quote from Zen Master Sylvester Stewart – “Thank you for lettin’ me be myself, again.”

This Blog is a standing invitation for me. To show up and see what shows up with me. That day. Today, for instance. I’ve seen writers say, “I write to see what I am thinking.” That’s fun, and as one of my most important life goals (invitations) nowadays is to ‘think’ less and ‘be’ more, it’s like I show up here to see me just as I am. Right then. The me of me, on display for your reading enjoyment. Why you subscribed – why you show up. Another one of those emails with a little slice of Oakland, CA color attached.

I finished Susan Murphy’s book “A Fire Runs Through All Things” this morning, and I’d like to share this passage — “To advance from where you can no longer advance, and to do what can no longer be done, you must make yourself into a raft or ferryboat for others.”

This sense of saving myself with showing up for others is strong. Still here, I am. Being myself.

At least that’s the way it seems in San Diego, early this Monday morning.