Susie says

02/08/2022 0 By BuddyCushman

I see through the slats of the blinds there’s already early light showing through. I’ve dallied getting here to today’s (Morning) Pages. It’s well and good and, simply, here today. And one interesting – it feels cool – thought I had in the recliner while my paper cup was still alive with coffee is that instead of giving 30-day notice at my job, I’ll re-read “The Exegesis” of Philip K. Dick, 900-plus pages of real slow, must-be-focused reading which may take me all the way to the third week in August before finishing – and a delay in making a pretty big life change one way or another.

Like, tra-la-la, I returned from a long, wonderful, awe-filled walk Sunday afternoon and brought the Lou Reed biography and my glasses out to the chair on the small patio at the condo’s door. And, after a few moments, it just showed up – deciding to give 30-day notice for my job , my inner-directed inclination to call my boss right then and do it. But now, the new idea is read ‘The Exegesis”. Go figure. I read this morning’s Koan – “There is nothing I dislike” – which may or may not have influenced my new thinking.

I could put up a large, hand-painted sign in my room – “Subject to Change”, and it would be accurate and gypsy-like. There was a song, “Where’s the Playground Susie?”, which would make as much sense. Like, if some Zen Master or a little kid told me, “the playground is everywhere”, then there’s always going to the playground as an answer to “Now what?” Pretty much like listening to YouTube on headphones.

(Interpretation – I love and feel blessed with my job. The commute to and from wears me down. Now, according to this, even the 15 is the playground. Why the sign is going up on the room’s wall – “Subject to Change.”)