Tag: Massachusetts

Sixth Morning, San Diego

Today is my sister Nancy’s birthday. She’s still younger than me. She is there, celebrating her life anniversary, back in our hometown of Wareham, Massachusetts – hard by the salt water known as Buzzards Bay. Nancy refrained from coming back to our hometown for many of the years of her life, thought it was lacking…

By BuddyCushman 08/28/2019 1

Saucer, Krasner, and Mrs. Maisel

I have one distinct memory of the 1950’s. I was walking on my street – High Street in Wareham, Massachusetts – knocking on doors of houses and encouraging anyone who answered my knock to vote for Dwight Eisenhower for re-election to the Presidency. This would have made it sometime in the fall of 1955, and…

By BuddyCushman 07/23/2019 7

Here’s a Day – Irvine

Repetition breeds familiarity, and familiarity breeds, what? – Comfort? In other words, is there comfort in a butt-and-back-worn seat on a Greyhound Bus? Like the one I’d taken from Boston to San Fran. Just tell the story. Now a month on my friend Bob’s couch, and having struck out in my lofty job search for…

By BuddyCushman 12/04/2018 6

I Sit, and I Am

Please sit down for these three stories. I bought this pink recliner when I first moved to Portland, Oregon in January of 2009. I bought it directly off Craigslist for $40, and that price included a father and son delivering it into the living room of my apartment. It stayed with me there, then moved…

By BuddyCushman 10/18/2018 5

Risks and Other Stuff

I recently read that if you don’t have enough failures in your life it means you haven’t tried enough things. Let me phrase this from a personal viewpoint. If I can’t look back and see a long list of failures – and included among them at least one or two that could be labeled ‘spectacular’…

By BuddyCushman 10/17/2018 4

Surfing Around the Rail Trail

There’s another story that proceeds this one, but I’ll begin here. The third or fourth week of May 2007 my son Cameron and I completed a cross-country father-son journey and adventure from Oakland, California to Cape Cod, that peninsula-like-thing that sticks out from the Massachusetts coastline. Technically homeless (me), Cameron and I had spent a…

By BuddyCushman 08/28/2018 27