the list is long
Mostly all I would like to say today is report, cause it feels worth saying, I’m filled up with emotions these days. Often wild emotions, there’s lots of visual daydreams, huge sadness’s, and big, big plans to do important stuff and create and rush down new paths. See what else is possible. I got out of my car in the back parking lot last night, having safely returned from a day with the San Marcos kids, I looked up to the sky and said thanks, and I had the awareness that I am just so filled with emotions lately.
It ain’t bad, not at all, there’s a thrill for me feeling like this. Every once in a while I wonder if getting old brings this on, and as I have no way of knowing if that’s the case, I remain aware that I continue waking up and getting up and I pray and I sit and I perk coffee and begin reading and/or scribbling, and already by 5:30 a.m. it’s my wild mind and me the planner, schemer, dreamer, cry-baby, cool cat, hipness personified, forever lost in swirling, twirling thought, never not maxed out with gratitude, cat – the list is long.
I’m so aware of really feeling stuff these days. Today.
You ARE blessed… the worst pain is reserved for those who feel nothing. Feeling all those emotions reminds you how alive you are…keep full of emotion, Buddy.