things have changed
Bob Dylan has a song, “Everything is Broken.” I wrote a Blog post about him and his song something like six years ago. A different Blog. Another life. I mention it here because some things in my life have been breaking lately. This Blog and its hosting site. My closet hanging pole and shelves. Meetings I go to and can’t go to. Almost every side street in San Diego. Rent money.
Wednesday morning I spent 40 minutes in a chat with a representative of the web site holding my (then, and who knows about now) broken Blog. This is a snippet of that time: Chatter – “You are using an email that is not supported by our web system.” Me – It’s the same email I’ve had the past five and a half years, from the day I opened my account, everything fine until last Thursday.” Chatter – “I’m sorry you disregard my technical expertise.” Me – “I have to go to work.”
And yet, what counts? What really matters? Mint chip ice cream? The murals in Chicano Park? My boss showed unexpectedly at the library to check in with Briana. Outside when I went to give him paperwork, saving me a long trip up the 15, he said, “I’m sorry to tell you we can’t give you a raise. But, we very much appreciate the work you are doing.”
In Tuesday night’s Oakland Koan group, the Roshi said, quoting one of the ancestors, “The question is the answer to the question.” I get that.