Other Stuff

I’ll meander over to this page once in a while and leave a thought about something I’ve found useful. Something of value. Something fun. My son Cameron Cushman took this photo a number of years back. It’s the Willamette River in Portland, looking north to the Fremont Bridge. It’s a great photo. Cameron is an amazingly skilled film-maker and photographer – and a storyteller.  Like son, like father? See some of Cameron’s work here – https://www.instagram.com/cameroncush/ 


You Need a Mess of Help to Stand Alone is the title of a wonderful, rocking song by The Beach Boys from the Carl and the Passions – So Tough LP. A favorite of mine. I often think of it here, doing my best with the ever-changing technology to keep this website current, and working the way I envision it. For the best readership experience.

Austin Kleon in his fabulous book “Steal Like An Artist” advises googling everything, and watching tutorials on YouTube to learn new skills. Frankly, I’m kind of amazed things have progressed here at couch surfing as much as they have. Six years now. A while back I read a book, “The Obstacle is the Way” by Ryan Holiday, which advises to see obstacles for what they are — opportunities to learn and grow. Hopefully I continue to embrace all the opportunities. Continuing to bow to the obstacles.


In her book, “The Art of Asking”, Amanda Palmer talks about being an artist and the relationship between artist and viewer – “You’re an artist when you say you are. And you’re a good artist when you make somebody else experience or feel something deep or unexpected.” Here she is in person – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMj_P_6H69g