this is that

02/09/2022 0 By BuddyCushman

While it is entirely unlikely I’ll be having spaghetti for dinner tonight, it is less than likely I’ll be driving over to the beach today, choosing instead to remain happy in my room drinking lots of coffee and occasionally pouring out into the 75 degree, sunny blue daylight, maybe swing by the tattoo shop and peer in the windows and start daydreaming about it must be time by now, kid. While I’m out, open my heart to the day and see if poetry flies in, the way pelicans seem to have that mystical connection with their up-and-down skims just over the waves, I could be like that too, today.

Oh, I decided an hour back that last Sunday was the beginning of the “Lou Reed” phase of my life, which I’ll go into in detail some other time, but it’s crystal clear to me here now. And, like, really, who else needs (cares) to know it. Fortunately, also, I remembered to play and listen to my favorite Jesus and Mary Chain song yesterday – “Some Candy Talking.”

It really is all connected.