to linger

07/07/2023 0 By BuddyCushman

I’m going to begin eating healthier food. I don’t know, typing this the first Friday in July, what my food choices will look like. Not here today, not exactly. But, I know I’ll begin eating differently.

The next 10 days or so will be moving days, kind of big life changes. Slow dancing. Normal and wildly different kinds of changes. There’s a brand new job. I’ve had some medical stuff recently, and some brain stuff recently, and I’d really – really – rather not leave the planet anytime soon. So much fabulous wonder and grace now. Being in love. I decided yesterday one decision I can make – and have made – is change what and how and even when I eat. I already have something like five years of Keto-ish life experience, so I know that reality – the over-abiding power and influence of diet. Today’s post touches the part of ‘The Serenity Prayer’ where it says, “Change the things I can.”

I’m going to begin eating healthier food. Very, very soon.