a bit of this, a bit of that

07/12/2024 0 By BuddyCushman

“Ain’t no thing like me, ‘cept me.” – Rocket, “Guardians of the Galaxy.”

This is a neverending theme in my life these days. Quite a while now. It’s pretty amazing the number of invitations showing up in my life, asking, “Who are you, and what do you have to offer?” Ever reminding I am the only person on this spinning earth – out of the more than eight billion people – who can offer exactly what it is I have to offer. Something like 215,000 new people arriving every day, and still – Ain’t no thing like me, ‘cept me.

There’s something heavy about the invitation – “What you got today?” – and a wild sense of honor. Being honored with the invite. “What, little old me? You’re asking little old me?”

From my perch these days, the answer is always “Yes.” The answer to all of it. On Facebook I’m described this way: “I’m a writer of fiction and poetry, a sometimes painter. And I Blog.” On LinkedIn, “A storytelling fool.” Back at Salem State College someone called me, “A wonderful wacky weirdo.” A couple of people call me “Dad,” a couple of people call me “Ex,” a number of people say I’m there “Friend.” Mostly I pass unknown, and unnoticed, through any day I’m fortunate enough to wake into.

This Blog is a place, a space in which I get to answer some of the what little old me has to offer. And Zoom. Work. Meetings. Various sites online. Various pieces of earth on the planet. Lungs breathing. Heart pumping. One more chance to give something back. And to accept from others too.

This is A Reader Supported Blog.