journaling with a gel pen

08/09/2024 0 By BuddyCushman

8/7 — I’m in the Mission Hills library, it’s just after 11 in the morning, and this chair isn’t comfortable. Cushion butt, wooden back. There’s lots of old people in the library this Wednesday morning. I’m one of them.

I’ve brought three books and one DVD from the ‘C’ section on the ‘Holds’ shelves back to my small square table. They are these: two mysteries, “The Monkey’s Raincoat” and “VooDoo River,” both written by Robert Crais, and one non-fiction, “Where I Was From,” by Joan Didion. Joan Didion has been a favorite author of mine since I read “Slouching Towards Bethlehem” sometime shortly after college. I believe I have read every one, or nearly everyone, of her books. I believe I’ve read nearly everyone of Robert Crais’s novels too. Another big favorite.

The DVD is “Miss Sloane” starring Jessica Chastain. Like the previously mentioned books, watching the DVD will be a repeat performance. I like what I like. I dig Jessica Chastain too. Another favorite.

Another redhead.

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