paint it black’s

08/22/2024 1 By BuddyCushman

This is Josh. I know him as a cashier at the People’s Market Co-op in Ocean Beach, where I remain employed one morning a week. Josh is usually found manning Register One. He also boards dogs at his home (for folks off on vacation) as another business venture. He takes his six-year-old daughter surfing.

Josh showed me this photo a couple of week’s ago, and Tuesday I asked if he’d attach it in an email to me. This is Josh surfing at Black’s Beach up the coast in northern-most La Jolla. If you could stretch the picture with your fingers you’d see Josh with a ‘Go-Pro’ camera in his mouth, his plan to snap photos from a wave’s perspective. Josh did not know someone else was in the water at that time, also with a camera, nor that that kind and generous person would chase him down in the parking lot later to give him this ‘Surfer’s Journal” cover-quality pic. Which I offer to you here.

I had a flash of memory a few minutes back. When I first announced “Couch Surfing at 70” in August of 2018 I promised the occasional profile of a neighborhood person. Someone in my life.

Here’s one.