then there’s this

10/31/2024 0 By BuddyCushman

I decided to randomly select a photo from my “Pictures” section on the old Dell here, and allow whatever showed up to inspire today’s Couch Surfing post. A few whispered, but this one said “Hey.” And so….

This elephant painting. See the blue blue sky, the purple mountains’ magesty, all this green. “What’s that spell?” asked Country Joe. “What was the question?” wondered Kate Bush. It’s just my magical musical mind. So many moments of connection through the day, without delay, leading back to this song, to that song, to this time and place in my life. The line from The Beatles’ Abbey Road’ – “Step on the gas and wipe that tear away.” With a cat named John Koss, a night of acid, gunning it up over the Mystic River Bridge into Boston.

So I ask which of my photographs calls me and it’s this dark elephant, rather formless and with those magenta eyes. Something of insistence – “Look at all of this.” Step on the gas and wipe that tear away.

I painted a black elephant, looking out through nothing but purple. So, one more song: it’s Steely Dan – “Who is the gaucho amigo? Why is he standing in your spangled leather poncho with the studs that match your eyes?”